Performance Rubrics in Problem Solving 2 | Free download

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Performance Rubrics in Problem Solving TEMPLATE 2  | Free download via PDF Format

You can use these available rubrics to rate your students' work and performance for FREE. To get FREE AND DIRECT copies, just click on the DOWNLOAD link.

Rubrics help students, parents, and teachers know what good work looks like. Students can judge their own work and take more responsibility for the final product. Rubrics make it easy for teachers to tell students why they got the grade they did. Parents who work with their kids also know exactly what is expected of them for a special project. Ask for a rubric to be sent home with directions for a project or other work, like writing.

Performance Rubrics
Criteria Exemplary
Reasoning Explanation shows thorough reasoning and insightful justifications Explanation shows substantial reasoning Explanation shows gaps in reasoning Explanation shows illogical reasoning
Accuracy All computations are correct and shown in detail All computations are correct. Most of the computations are correct. Some of the computations are correct.
Presentation The presentation is delivered in a very convincing manner.Appropriate and creative visual materials are used. The presentation is delivered in a clear manner. Appropriate visual materials are used. The presentation is delivered in a disorganized manner. Some visual materials are used. The presentation is delivered in a clear manner. It does not use any vidual materials.
Practicality The proposed plan will be completed at the least time. The proposed plan will be completed in lesser time. The proposed project will be completed with greater number of days. The proposed plan will be completed with the most number of days.
Efficiency The cost of the plan is minimal The cost of the plan is reasonable. The cost of the plan is expensive. The cost of the plan is very expensive.

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